With the emergence of numerous complaints about the side effects of operations aimed at facial rejuvenation, non-surgical facial rejuvenation is gaining more and more popularity. Not every woman will decide for a radical intervention in the body, and therefore, the procedures available at home remain the most acceptable way to prolong youth.
With age, the skin loses its radiance and external freshness, it becomes grayer, wrinkles appear. Of course, it will not be possible to prevent aging, but everything can be done to delay the moment of skin fading and face the signs of aging with dignity. Help your skin regularly, and it will respond to you with a healthy, well-groomed appearance.
Each approaches the issue of rejuvenation in their own way. Someone prefers plastic and cosmetic surgery, someone is a regular in beauty salons, someone relies on food supplements and other nutritional supplements. All of these methods are good, but they have a significant downside - cost. Not everyone can afford skin rejuvenation surgery. Also, home procedures, if performed regularly, can have a healthy refreshing effect on the skin without the involvement of a doctor.
Even if you go for the easy way out, ie getting a facelift and Botox injections, you also need prevention at home! Also, the methods we provide on how to rejuvenate a face do not take a lot of time and money if you get used to their regular implementation.
Facial rejuvenation rules
Facial skin rejuvenation must be complex:
- First of all, it is necessary to carry out regular procedures, because non-radical methods give a short-term effect.
- Also, as you know, the beauty of the skin is in the healthy state of the body, and therefore, it is necessary to cure existing chronic diseases, if any.
- Also pay attention to your diet - the skin needs vitamins and minerals, so include as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible in your daily menu. For example, grapes are a rich source of B vitamins, olive oil is a rich source of vitamins E and A, and citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamin C.
- Another important point in the rejuvenation strategy is the elimination of stagnant processes. It is necessary to practice sports and walk outdoors so that the tissues receive oxygen.
Effective facial rejuvenation treatments
Now let's move on to the procedures that have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. They are affordable and simple and therefore can be performed by a woman with any job.
Microdermabrasion - a simple facial rejuvenation procedure
This procedure is available both in the salon and at home.
The essence of microdermabrasion is skin resurfacing. The most used exfoliator with small sharp particles that free the skin from the stratum corneum. It accelerates cell renewal and is an excellent care for mature skin.
Microdermabrasion should not be used if the skin is exposed to UV radiation within the next 24 hours. If you neglect this rule, as a result, you may get freckles or the appearance of age spots.
If microdermabrasion is used once a week (which is recommended), a day cream with a UV protective factor should be used.
Preparations for facial skin rejuvenation
For facial rejuvenation, you can use pharmacy ointments - for example, Retinoic.
This tool is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A, which is necessary to maintain skin elasticity. If you apply this ointment on your face several times a week, it will be an excellent prevention against early wrinkles.
Retinoids heal wounds and therefore this ointment is suitable for women with skin problems.
Also, for facial rejuvenation, some resourceful women use hemorrhoid remedies. They contain shark liver oil as well as many other healing components that regenerate tissues. It is helpful in removing puffiness and smoothing out wrinkles. The skin with the use of these products becomes denser.
Liquid vitamin E is also used for skin rejuvenation. It is a good antioxidant and therefore protects the skin from harmful environmental factors, which prolongs the time for new wrinkles to appear.
Folk remedies for facial rejuvenation

Recipes for facial skin rejuvenation always have at least one active ingredient, and the second is used as a base.
As wrinkled skin is often deprived of sufficient moisture, lubricate your face with thermal water before and after the procedure.
- Choose a base for the mask - it can be cold-pressed olive oil - a source of vitamins E and A, or grapeseed oil - a source of B vitamins.
- Then select the active ingredient - it could be Retinol, vitamin F, zinc ointment or anti-hemorrhoids.
- For 1st. I. Oils needed (optional):
- half a teaspoon of retinol ointment or zinc ointment;
- 10 drops of vitamin F;
- 1 shark oil candle, melted in a water bath.
- The mask should be applied to the face for 15 minutes and then washed off with water. At least 2 of these procedures should be done per week.